Yes, you can pay in Cash if you are in Singapore or buy passes at the door (if avilable). You can also Pay via Bank Transfer in Singapore (or Paylah), Malaysia, India (UPI) or using “Transferwise” from any other countries. Please contact us via email at kizme@alfa-asia.net to get the bank transfer details.

Yes, You can Pay in Local Currency if you are based in Singapore, Malaysia and India.

All other countries can pay using “Transferwise”. Please email kizme@alfa-asia.net to understand how can the payment be done in your local currency.

Do not worry, you don’t need PayPal account to buy the passes, you can pay with your Credit or Debit Card without any PayPal account, we just use PayPal as payment gateway as it’s highly secured. At the check-out just select pay by card.

A Workshop is open to all pass holders and only 1 hour long, where as Masterclass is normally 3-4 hours long for selected pass holders only who would like to improve on their skills to move from Intermediate to advanced level dancers. Workshops are open to all levels of dancers and Masterclass is for Intermediate and Advanced level dancers only.

Please note this is an Urban Kiz Event, so the music will be focused on Urban Kiz, Ghetto Zouk, Tarraxo and Tarraxa.